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The Allen Cemetery, or Pioneer Memorial Cemetery, is located nine miles south of Blair and five miles west of Fort Calhoun at the intersection of County Roads 37 & P37 in Washington County, Nebraska. From the intersection of CR-34 (Lakeland) and Highway 133, the cemetery is approximately 2 miles east, then 0.2 miles south on CR-37. It will be on the east side of the road on the corner of the intersection.
From Blair
Go south on HWY 133 (5 miles) and turn east on CR-34 (2 miles), which becomes CR-37 by the Allen Hills subdivision.
From Fort Calhoun
From HWY 75 turn west on CR-P32 or Clay Street (3 miles). Turn left on P37 (1 mile).
From West Omaha
Go on I-680 north to the Irvington exit. Turn left on HWY 133 or Blair High Road toward Blair (about 7 miles). Turn right on CR-37 (2 1/2 miles).
From East Omaha
Go north on HWY 75 to Fort Calhoun. Turn west on CR-P32 or Clay Street (3 miles). Turn left on CR-P37 (1 mile).
From Fremont
Go east on HWY 30 toward Blair (15 miles). Turn right on CR-P30 (2 1/2 miles). Turn south on HWY 133 (1 1/2 miles), then turn east on CR-34 (2 miles), which becomes CR-37 by the Allen Hills subdivision.
Alternate Route
Go north on HWY 31. Go east on HWY 30 toward Blair (about 15 miles). Turn right on CR-P30 (2 1/2 miles). Turn soouth on HWY 133 (1 1/2 miles). Turn east on CR-34 (2 miles), which becomes CR-37 by the Allen Hills subdivision.